It sure has been one crazy weather season and sales season here. This has to be the strangest summer I've seen since I moved to Montana. It rained. Then it rained some more. And when you thought you'd seen all the rain you ever wanted to see, it rained again. I still wonder where all that water went. I know it did not go into my well since I just had water hauled up here for the 5th time since April.
In between the rain storms it got good and hot. Some of my garden is very appreciative. Like the pumpkins and cukes. The tomatoes and corn are still a good three weeks behind and I may not get any of them. The entire season has been hot and cold, just like the sales season.
I'm hopeful that change is around the corner. Yes, it is raining here again, but staying warm. But on the other side of Montana, up in Glacier Park, Logan Pass got 8 inches of snow today. So maybe, just maybe, the seasons will be turning more the way we vendors want to see them go. Let's all keep our fingers crossed on this one.
I'm hoping for a super turnout for the block party on Saturday. Most of my inventory is here; lots remains to be posted. Got lots to do tomorrow; make that today. I have some gorgeous earrings in stock now and some metallic beads that are just super. I also got in some awesome gemstone beads that I know you'll all love. I mean, have you ever seen green moonstone? Well I have some and it will be listed tomorrow; oops, make that today again. This is natural green too - none of that dyed stuff for you all.
On a serious note, I'm having a bit of a health scare at the moment. I have to see an oncologist on Tuesday - my primary care provider does think there's a good chance I have cancer. I've seen the tumor on ultrasound and I have to say it is the funniest looking thing I've ever seen. Sort of like a combination of the Michelin Man and a worm. It does seem confined - so I'll think good thoughts.
Besides the pain the biggest problem has been the utter exhaustion and total lack of energy. I perk up a bit at night - around the time the rest of the world, at least this part of it, wants to sleep. I hope to remain open during the holiday season but that is not certain. I have lots on my plate - something may have to give.
Time to call it a night. The dog and quite a few of the cats are waiting for me to come snuggle with them. So until later, take care and happy sales.
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