Example of Lakh Indian Jewelry

Example of Lakh Indian Jewelry
Example of Lakh Indian Jewelry

Starfish Pendant

Starfish Pendant
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Monday, October 12, 2009

What's Going On Here?

Boy are things slow! It's mid-October and still not much is picking up. I know that locally people are nervous as heck about the economy, etc, and I have to wonder if it isn't the same all over the country.

I've posted a lot of new items today. Some really neat jewelry and some awesome pendants. I have more stock coming in soon too. I need to lay off ordering stuff since I can't move it. Right now my office/room looks like Filene's Basement on Saturday morning. With tax season getting closer and me needing more room for all that paperwork I guess I'd better get moving on things. At least clean up I guess.

When it comes right down to it I'm nervous about things too. I personally think the people in DC are a bunch of morons who care nothing about anything but power. The head moron is a facist in my opinion, and is trying like heck to have the government run it all. I wasn't around back then, but I heard that Germany had a similar dude once - Hitler, I think his name was. Now at least here no one is being gassed or put into ovens, but we are being taxed to death and more is coming.

Anyone who thinks this health care bill isn't more taxes better read it. If you're used to writing off medical items, think again. The base tax rate is going up too. If this thing passes Max Baucus better plan on moving out of Montana. A 10 point elk would have a better chance of surviving hunting season than Max does if this goes through.

My whole family hunts and this year all our animals are being named after our "favorite" politicians. I've already spotted Nancy, and there is a rather nice looking buck who could be anyone we choose. It's kind of weird I know, but it is also cathartic.

This cap & tax thing pees me off too. Look, I'm all for finding alternatives. But they take time to develop. In the meantime why can't we use the oil, coal, and natural gas we have here? Heck, the mine down the road has enough coal to run this nation for 100 years. Yet Obama wants to put them out of business. There is enough oil in the northeast corner of Montana and over into North Dakota to last for at least that long. Let's not forget natural gas either - we have tons and tons of that.

So why can't we use it while we work on new methods of energy? Don't give me that global warming crap - I don't believe in it. Yes, there is pollution, and yes I think we need to improve MPG and all that stuff, but I also believe in not taxing people to death, not making them choose between food and heat, and not having some morons in DC shove a bunch of crap at us.

Why cut off our noses to spite our faces? It's stupid.

Also, using our natural resources would result in many, many good jobs for people.

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